The Uncertain Future of Monaco Info and TV Monaco: Minister Calls for Restructuring


The future of Monaco Info and TV Monaco is uncertain due to the cost of maintaining both platforms, according to the Minister of State Didier Guillaume, who discussed the necessary changes in the public broadcasting service in an interview with Monaco-Matin.

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The future of Monaco Info and TV Monaco has been called into question by the Minister of State, Didier Guillaume. In an interview with Monaco-Matin, Guillaume expressed concern about the high cost of maintaining these two separate public broadcasting entities and suggested that a restructuring is necessary. Although no specific plans were outlined, Guillaume alluded to the need for a streamlined approach to the Principality’s audiovisual services. It remains to be seen what changes will be implemented, but the Minister’s comments suggest that a consolidation of these two entities may be on the horizon. As Monaco considers the future of its public broadcasting, it is important to ensure that any changes made are in the best interest of the principality and its residents, while maintaining a respect for the legacy and history of Monaco Info and TV Monaco.

Monaco Matin

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