Prince Albert II of Monaco Pays Homage to St. Francis on 800th Anniversary at La Verna Sanctuary


Prince Albert II of Monaco visited the Sanctuary of La Verna and the village of Rondine Cittadella della Pace in Tuscany, Italy, where he celebrated the eight-hundredth anniversary of Saint Francis receiving the stigmata and spoke to students engaged in promoting peace and international cooperation.

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Prince Albert II of Monaco recently visited the Sanctuary of La Verna in Tuscany, Italy. Accompanied by Monaco’s Ambassador to Italy, Anne Eastwood, Prince Albert II visited the sanctuary, which is known as the place where St. Francis of Assisi received the stigmata in 1224. The prince’s visit coincided with the 800th anniversary of this event, and he wanted to pay homage to St. Francis, the patron saint of Italy. The prince is committed to biodiversity conservation and his visit also had a motivation related to the environment. In addition to the official purpose of the visit, it was also a personal journey for Prince Albert II. In 1968, Princess Grace, accompanied by Princess Caroline, visited the sanctuary during a pilgrimage with Monaco’s scouts. Prince Albert II had the opportunity to see the register signed by his mother during that visit.

In addition to visiting the sanctuary, Prince Albert II also met with students from the “Rondine Citadel of Peace” program. Rondine is an organization that focuses on reducing armed conflicts and promoting a culture of peace through the education of young students from conflict-affected countries. The prince gave a speech to the international students of the “World House” and the Italian students of the “Fourth Year” program at Rondine. He emphasized the importance of youth leadership and their potential to create positive change in the world. He also highlighted Monaco’s commitment to peace, sustainable development, and human rights. The prince acknowledged the challenges the world faces, including conflicts, human rights violations, inequalities, poverty, and lack of access to education. He praised Rondine’s work and mentioned Monaco’s collaboration with the organization since 2015. The prince expressed his support for Rondine’s efforts and emphasized that peace is a duty and responsibility towards humanity. He concluded his speech by reaffirming Monaco’s commitment to peace worldwide.

Overall, Prince Albert II’s visit to Tuscany showcased his dedication to peace, conservation, and education.


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