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MonacoTech and Monaco Boost Collaborate to Shape Monaco’s Economic Future


MonacoTech and Monaco Boost are working together for the future of the Principality.

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MonacoTech and Monaco Boost have been working towards shaping the future, not only of the Principality of Monaco, but also of its economy. Last month, they welcomed Pierre-André Chiappori, Government Advisor and Minister of Finance and Economy, to their initiatives. MonacoTech, a startup incubator and accelerator, focuses on supporting tech entrepreneurs in their innovative projects. Meanwhile, Monaco Boost is an investment fund that assists startups in the early stages of development. Both organizations work together to promote entrepreneurship and bolster the economic growth of Monaco. Their collaborative efforts aim to create a thriving ecosystem for startups and attract international talent to the Principality. With their dedication to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, MonacoTech and Monaco Boost play a crucial role in shaping Monaco’s future economic landscape.

QE Magazine

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