Monaco launches a new service called “les gardes itinérantes de nuit,” providing personalized nighttime assistance for elderly individuals in need of care while also supporting their caregivers.
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Monaco’s Center for Gerontological Coordination (CCGM) has launched a new service called “Les Gardes Itinérantes de Nuit,” which aims to provide personalized nighttime assistance to elderly individuals who are losing their independence while supporting the caregivers. This service, unprecedented in the principality, allows seniors to stay in their homes under optimal conditions. After a gerontological evaluation by the CCGM, the program offers up to two 45-minute nighttime visits based on the established recommendations. Trained caregivers from government-approved home care companies will provide various services including securing the home, monitoring medication intake, soothing nighttime anxiety, providing care and assistance with tasks such as late-night bed transfers, changing, and toileting. The objective of this service is to meet seniors’ needs while preserving their autonomy and peace of mind. Additionally, the caregivers, who are often on call day and night, will benefit from this much-needed support, as the nighttime caregivers will offer them essential rest, reducing their mental and physical burden. This proactive and exemplary initiative undertaken by the CCGM and the Monégasque government demonstrates Monaco’s commitment to dignified aging at home. The service is eligible for coverage under the Autonomy Benefit, subject to an overall care plan that includes daytime interventions. M. Philippe Migliasso, Senior Health Executive and Administrator, assures that with this innovative service, Monaco positions itself as a model for supporting elderly individuals, combining innovation, humanity, and respect for their lifestyle choices.
Gouvernement Monaco