Monaco Demonstrates Commitment to Nuclear Science at International Conference in Vienna


Monaco’s delegation attended a conference on nuclear science and technology organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency, focusing on international cooperation and nuclear innovation.

Full Story:
A Monegasque delegation, led by Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, recently attended the Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Science, Technology, and Applications in Vienna. The conference, organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), aimed to strengthen international cooperation and highlight nuclear innovations contributing to global goals. Monaco’s participation demonstrates its commitment to advancing scientific research and technology in the nuclear field. By attending the conference, Monaco showcased its dedication to fostering international collaboration and staying informed about the latest developments in nuclear science. The engagement of the Monegasque delegation reflects the country’s proactive approach to staying involved in global discussions and initiatives. This participation underscores Monaco’s commitment to promoting international cooperation and supporting the work of the IAEA.


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