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Monaco and Italy Sign Agreement Allowing Remote Work for Italian Commuters


The article discusses the opportunity for Italian commuters to work remotely in Monaco.

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Monaco is offering an opportunity for Italian commuters to work remotely in the principality. This agreement, signed on May 10, 2021, between the Monacan government and Andrea Orlando, the former Italian Minister of Labor, aims to formalize the arrangement. This initiative is part of an effort to attract more international professionals to work in Monaco, highlighting its appeal as a global business hub. The remote work arrangement allows Italian workers to commute from Italy while enjoying the benefits and opportunities of working in Monaco. With its favorable tax policies, high quality of life, and proximity to Italy, Monaco offers an attractive option for Italian commuters looking for a change of scenery. By promoting telework, Monaco hopes to strengthen its ties with neighboring countries and further establish itself as an international destination for professionals seeking a work-life balance in a luxurious setting.

QE Magazine

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