Newly Appointed Minister Outlines Priorities and Projects for Monaco in Press Conference


The article discusses the priorities and future projects of Didier Guillaume, the new Minister of State of Monaco, including recent accomplishments and plans for the country.

Histoire complète :
Didier Guillaume, the newly appointed Minister of State in Monaco, recently held his first press conference where he outlined his priorities and future projects for the Principality. He highlighted recent accomplishments such as the inauguration of the International School, the Charles III College, and the new animal shelter, as well as the flag-raising ceremony at the new Princesse Grace Hospital Center. Guillaume emphasized his role in supporting Monaco and achieving the goals set by the Prince. He dismissed rumors of Monaco’s alleged dependence on France, reaffirming that the Principality is a sovereign and independent state led by the Prince. In terms of future plans, Guillaume addressed important topics such as mobility to improve the quality of life for residents and commuters. He expressed satisfaction with the progress made so far in housing and announced the development of a pragmatic second plan to be presented to the Monegasque people before summer. Guillaume also mentioned the impending presentation of a final project for the Fontvieille Shopping Center, putting an end to what he called a lengthy decision-making process. Regarding waste treatment, alternative solutions outside Monaco’s territory will be considered to expedite the resolution. Guillaume emphasized the importance of collaboration between ministries and pledged to work closely with the Conseil National to achieve concrete results. In conclusion, he expressed his passion for Monaco and his commitment to serving the Principality with honor and determination, aiming to successfully complete his mandate within a year and a half.


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