Monaco’s Progress and Next Steps in Combating Money Laundering and Corruption on “Grey List”


The Committee of Coordination and Monitoring of the National Strategy discussed the action plan of the Financial Action Task Force (GAFI) in Monaco.

Histoire complète :
On July 10, the two Colleges of the Committee for the Coordination and Monitoring of Monaco’s national strategy against money laundering, terrorism financing, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and corruption met under the presidency of the Minister of State. The meeting aimed to provide an update following Monaco’s placement by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) on the “grey list” under increased monitoring.

During the session, Pierre-André Chiappori, the Government Counselor-Minister of Finance and Economy, who led Monaco’s delegation at the FATF plenary session in Singapore, emphasized the following points. He acknowledged that being on the “grey list” was not good news but highlighted the significant progress made by Monaco according to the FATF. He emphasized the need for all stakeholders involved to continue their efforts to ensure Monaco’s removal from the “grey list” at the FATF plenary session in June 2026.

Chiappori clarified a misconception reported in the media that “Monaco was being targeted for money laundering and tax fraud abroad.” He stated that this was absolutely false and clarified that Monaco is being asked to refine its risk mapping related to the money laundering of tax fraud abroad by adopting a more precise methodology.

The approved action plan between the FATF and Monaco was reviewed, which includes the continuing recruitment plan of the Monaco Financial Security Authority (AMSF), the development of international cooperation requests, and the effectiveness and number of sanctions.

In conclusion, the Minister of State called for the establishment of ongoing dialogue between the government and representatives from all impacted sectors to address any difficulties that may arise from Monaco’s placement on the “grey list.”

Gouvernement Monaco

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