Monaco’s Princely Government to Introduce New Fontvieille Footbridge to Enhance Sustainable Mobility


A new footbridge called “Fontvieille” is set to open in Monaco in June 2025 to ease road congestion and promote sustainable mobility.

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Monaco’s Princely Government has announced plans to open a new footbridge, called “Fontvieille,” in June 2025. This footbridge is designed to alleviate road congestion and promote sustainable mobility by connecting the Salines park-and-ride facility to the Fontvieille districts. The Fontvieille footbridge will seamlessly extend from the existing Wurtemberg footbridge. Its addition will enhance Monaco’s pedestrian infrastructure and provide a convenient pathway for residents and visitors. The opening of the footbridge is part of Monaco’s ongoing efforts to prioritize sustainable transportation and improve the overall quality of life in the city-state. The Fontvieille footbridge project demonstrates Monaco’s commitment to enhancing its infrastructure and promoting sustainable mobility options for its residents and visitors.


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