Monaco Strengthening Diplomatic Ties with New Ambassadors from Uruguay, Colombia, Holy See, and Angola


New ambassadors from Uruguay, Colombia, the Holy See, and Angola have presented their credentials to the Government-Minister of External Relations and Cooperation in Monaco.

Histoire complète :
Monaco has welcomed new ambassadors from Uruguay, Colombia, the Holy See, and Angola. The ambassadors presented their credentials to H.S.H. the Prince Sovereign. Jorge Luis Jure Arnottii, the Ambassador of Uruguay, has had an extensive diplomatic career, serving in various countries, including France, Lebanon, and Cyprus. Hernando Alfonso Prada Gil, the Ambassador of Colombia, is a jurist and has held several positions in academia and government. Monseigneur Martin Krebs, the Apostolic Nuncio, has served in Guinea, Mali, New Zealand, and the Pacific states. Guilhermina Prata, the Ambassador of Angola, has a background in law and politics and has held positions such as Minister of Justice and President of the Constitutional and Legal Affairs Committee. These ambassadors’ appointments strengthen diplomatic ties between Monaco and their respective countries.

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