Monaco Minister Attends Small Countries Initiative Meeting on Cancer and Climate Health Impacts


Christophe ROBINO, Minister of Social Affairs and Health, attended the 10th high-level meeting of the Small Countries Initiative of WHO Europe to discuss cancer screening and the health impacts of climate change.

Histoire complète :
Christophe ROBINO, Minister of Social Affairs and Health for the Government of Monaco, along with Alexandre BORDERO, Director of Health Action, and Antoine ANTONINI, Head of Section at the Department of Social Affairs and Health, attended the 10th high-level meeting of the Small Countries Initiative of the WHO Europe Region in Limassol, Cyprus, from April 10 to 12, 2024.

Established in 2013, this Initiative is a platform for exchange and collaboration among the WHO Europe member states with a population of 2 million or less. The current 12 member countries of the Initiative include Andorra, Cyprus, Estonia, Iceland, Latvia, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, San Marino, and Slovenia. They meet annually in a “high-level meeting”.

This year’s meeting, hosted by the Cypriot Government, saw strong ministerial mobilization from all member countries, along with participation from many other high-level delegates and various technical speakers. Together, the participants had the opportunity to discuss two main themes: fighting cancer and the health impacts associated with climate change.

During the meeting, Christophe ROBINO spoke on two ministerial panels, addressing:
– “Cancer screening”, including the actions organized in Monaco regarding the prevention and screening of breast cancer (Pink October), colorectal cancer (Blue March), and cervical cancer (including the recent HPV campaign against papillomavirus).
– The “climate-health nexus”, highlighting current challenges and calling for corresponding measures by the Government, such as heatwaves, heatwaves and the spread of pests, particularly mosquitoes.

The “Cyprus Declaration” was signed at the end of the meeting, formalizing the commitment of small countries to continue their efforts on these essential topics.

On the sidelines of the meeting, Mr. ROBINO had the opportunity to meet with several of his Health Minister counterparts in bilateral or multilateral meetings, as well as with Dr. Hans Kluge, Regional Director of WHO Europe, during a private meeting.

In conclusion, the Minister highlighted that “this meeting was an opportunity to meet many high-level personalities and discuss multiple issues, both from a political and technical point of view, and more broadly, to have a useful international experience to continue the necessary reflection for the continuous improvement of the public health policy of the Principality.”

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