Monaco Holds Working Meeting to Implement GRECO Recommendations, Demonstrating Commitment to Combating Corruption


Monaco’s authorities have gathered for a working session to implement the recommendations made by GRECO in the 5th evaluation cycle, focusing on fighting corruption and promoting transparency and integrity in public administration.

Histoire complète :
Monaco held a working meeting to discuss the implementation of recommendations made by GRECO (the Group of States Against Corruption) in the context of its 5th evaluation cycle. The meeting aimed to continue efforts in implementing the recommendations outlined in the GRECO evaluation report adopted in June 2024. The recommendations cover a wide range of topics, including strengthening legislative and institutional frameworks to combat corruption and promoting transparency and integrity in public administration. Chaired by Minister of State Didier Guillaume, the strategic meeting included all Ministers, the Secretary of State for Justice, a Counselor from Prince Albert II’s Cabinet, the Secretary-General of the Government, the Minister of State’s Chief of Staff, and representatives from the General Inspection of Administration and the Legal Affairs Department. The focus was on examining guidelines and concrete measures tailored to Monaco’s specificities. The meeting decided to create a high-level Steering Committee to oversee the development of a national strategy to combat corruption, accompanied by an action plan for implementation from 2025 to 2028. Monaco’s proactive approach demonstrates its continued commitment to meeting its international obligations and positioning itself as a model actor in the fight against corruption. The Principality reaffirms its dedication to ethics, transparency, and good governance.

Gouvernement Monaco

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