Flowers4art® and Passion Sea Collaborate to Promote Ocean Conservation Through Art and Flowers


“Flowers4art® is Passion Sea’s new project debuting in Monaco to raise awareness about ocean preservation through art.”

Histoire complète :
Flowers4art® has launched its new project in the Principality of Monaco in collaboration with the Monégasque association Passion Sea. Passion Sea has been raising awareness about the importance of preserving our oceans and marine life through art since 2015. The collaboration aims to promote the message of ocean conservation by incorporating art and flowers. The project focuses on using floral arrangements to create art installations that highlight the beauty and fragility of the marine ecosystem. By combining art, flowers, and environmental awareness, the initiative strives to engage the public in discussions about the protection of our oceans. Flowers4art®’s debut in Monaco seeks to showcase the synergy between art, nature, and environmental conservation, promoting a greater appreciation for marine life and inspiring action to protect our seas.

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