Exploration virtuelle de la grotte préhistorique de Lascaux à Monaco : une expérience immersive pour les visiteurs


You can virtually visit the Paleolithic cave of Lascaux in Monaco at the Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology through virtual reality starting from April 19 for six months.

Histoire complète :
Starting from April 19th and for a duration of six months, visitors in Monaco will have the opportunity to virtually explore the prehistoric cave of Lascaux. The Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology in Monaco will be providing this experience using virtual reality technology. Through this immersive experience, visitors will feel as if they are inside the cave itself, allowing them to appreciate the ancient cave paintings. This initiative aims to bring the wonders of Lascaux to those unable to physically travel to the site. It also showcases the advancements in technology and its role in preserving and sharing cultural heritage. The exhibition will be open for all to enjoy, including residents and tourists in Monaco. The Prince of Monaco and his family have expressed their support for this innovative approach to promoting art and history.

L’observateur de Monaco

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