Monaco Assumes Presidency of Council of Europe’s GR-J, Strengthening Legal Matters.


Monaco has taken over the Presidency of the Group of Legal Issues Reporters (GR-J) of the Council of Europe.

Histoire complète :
Monaco has assumed the Presidency of the Group of Rapporteurs on Legal Issues (GR-J) of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers. The appointment was made by the 46 member states, and Ambassador Gabriel REVEL will serve a two-year term until August 31, 2026. The GR-J is responsible for monitoring the activities of intergovernmental committees related to the rule of law and discussing international convention projects. This marks the second time Monaco has held the Presidency of a Rapporteurs Group, with the previous one being the Group on External Relations (GR-EXT) led by the late Ambassador Rémi MORTIER from 2019 to 2021. The appointment comes on the heels of Monaco’s 20th anniversary as a member of the Council of Europe. The government of Monaco sees this as a significant opportunity to contribute to the Council’s work on legal matters.

Gouvernement Monaco

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