Monaco’s New Interior Minister Lionel Beffre Visits Fire Brigade, Emphasizing Commitment to Safety


New Interior Minister Lionel Beffre visits Monaco’s Fire Brigade.

Histoire complète :
Monaco’s new Interior Minister, Lionel Beffre, recently paid an official visit to the Corps des Sapeurs-Pompiers de Monaco, the country’s Fire Brigade. The visit began at the La Condamine Fire Station, where Beffre was warmly welcomed by Lieutenant Colonel Maxime Yvrard, the Chief of the Fire Brigade. Colonel Tony Varo, the Superior Commander, was also present during the visit. The purpose of the visit was to familiarize the minister with the operations and capabilities of the Fire Brigade. It showcases the government’s commitment to ensuring the safety and security of Monaco and its residents. Beffre’s visit highlights the importance of the Fire Brigade’s role within the community.


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