16th Scientific Council of Statistics and Economic Studies: Insights and Recommendations for Monaco’s Statistical System


Members of the Scientific Council for Statistics and Economic Studies discuss the housing needs, ESPAD 2024 survey, population census, and future projects in Monaco.

Histoire complète :
The 16th Scientific Council of Statistics and Economic Studies convened on July 2nd at the Ministry of State under the guidance of their new President, Professor Pierre Dubois. During the meeting, Alexandre Bubbio, Director of IMSEE, discussed the Institute’s ongoing work, including housing needs in Monaco, the ESPAD 2024 survey, the population census, and current and upcoming projects. Throughout the Council, members shared their areas of interest and offered new recommendations to further improve Monaco’s statistical system. The Minister of State, HE Mr. Pierre Dartout, thanked the former President, Professor Chiappori, for his expertise and welcomed Professor Dubois as his successor. He expressed gratitude to all Council members for their active participation, collaboration, and the invaluable publications that guide the Principality’s government actions and ensure sustainable development in Monaco. The Council members were later hosted for a working lunch at the Minister of State’s residence. The Scientific Council serves as an advisory body to the Minister of State, ensuring its independence. It provides guidance on research studies, the state of the statistical system, and the annual survey program. Comprised of 11 members from civil society, assemblies, and the administration, the Council plays a crucial role in shaping Monaco’s statistical landscape.

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